The Corporation was certainly an intellectual, academic read. I felt Joel Bakan accomplished one of his main goals of appealing to the lay audience. Many of his claims were sufficiently cited with reputable sources, but he also was mindful of not falling into a purely academic monologue. Moreover, despite Bakan’s brief, somewhat unfounded tirades, the novel generally stayed on track and presented what could become a lively, healthy debate on the future of the corporation. On the whole, this book achieved many of the goals it strived to accomplish, all while maintaining a fascinating and entertaining tone.
This novel has taught me to see the ubiquitous, monolithic corporation in a new light. Where before I might have given little thought to the organizations that influence such a large part of my life, The Corporation has caused me to reflect on these goliath consortiums and the effect their growth might have in the future. In addition, Bakan compelled me to open my beliefs up to scrutiny, as well as forced me to reevaluate and reassert my own convictions on many political issues. Even if this book did not entirely sway my thoughts, The Corporation did at least allow me to take a bit of a step back and objectively view the issue without (too much) prejudice.
Overall, it was a great book. However, despite my love of blog-writing, I have just realized that this will be my 13th blog, so I am done. Good assignment though.